itbp constable driver result 2023 written exam itbp constable driver cut off marks 2023 check ct driver physical exam result date 2023 indo tibetan border police force male female ct driver result written exam list of qualified candidates for medical test itbp constable driver merit list
ITBP Constable Driver Result 2023 Male/ Female Cut Off Marks & Result Date
RECRUITMENT FOR THE POST OF CONSTABLE (DRIVER) (ONLINE APPLICATION ONLY) Applications were invited from eligible Indian citizens (MALE & FEMALE) for filling up the vacancies for the Non-Gazetted & Non-Ministerial posts of Constable (Driver) in Group ‘C’ on temporary basis likely to be made permanent in Indo Tibetan Border Police Force. The posts have All India liability and selected candidates can be posted anywhere in India and even abroad. On appointment, the candidates shall be governed by the ITBPF Act, 1992 and ITBPF Rules, 1994.
Indo Tibetan Border Police Force has conducted Written Exam for constable driver posts. There were 458 vacancies for Male & Female for Constable driver Posts. Written Exam for ITBP Constable driver posts will conduct after Physical Test. Exam was conducted at various Centres all over India. The candidates who qualify PET & PST will appeared in written examination. A list of candidates qualified for written test uploaded on ITBP website i.e. Information regarding ITBP Constable driver Result 2023, ITBP Constable Driver Cut Off Marks is provided below…..
Candidates who qualify in PET/PST, Biometric Identification were eligible to appear in OMR based written examination. Candidates who appeared in Objective Type Offline Exam, must be looking for itbp constable driver Result 2020. So Information regarding itbp ct driver Result 2023, After Result Process will provide in this Article. ITBP will announce Constable Driver Result/ Merit List on its Official Website. So Better to Keep in touch with Official Website of ITBP for Result Updates.
About ITBP Constable Driver Written Exam : The written test for 100 marks containing 100 questions was consisted of only OMR based objective type multiple choice questions. The question paper was set (Bi-lingual i.e. in Hindi and English) to assess the general awareness/ general knowledge, knowledge of elementary mathematics, analytical aptitude and ability. The papers can be answered either in Hindi or in English. The duration of the written test was 02 hour (120 Minutes).
ITBP Constable Driver Physical Test Result Date 2023 : Announce Soon

ITBP Constable Driver Cut Off Marks 2023 : ITBP will select Candidates for Next Stage of Exam based on Cut Off Marks of Written Exam. Cut Off Marks will be decided from 100 Marks & It may vary State wise/ Category wise. Keep Visit this Page to Get ITBP Constable Driver Exam Cut Off Marks 2023. The cut-off percentage of marks for qualifying in written exam of all three advertised posts will be as under:- General and Ex-Servicemen -35% marks & OBC/ SC/ ST -33% Marks. Candidates can Check Category wise Expected Cut Off Marks after completion of exam…Check Category wise Expected Cut Off Marks below…
- General/ UR Candidates : 71-76 Marks
- OBC Candidates : 65-70 Marks
- SC Candidates : 54-58 Marks
- ST Candidates : 52-56 Marks
NOTE : This is Expected Cut off Marks provided by us. Real/ Official Cut Off Marks can be different but it may stuck around these figures suggested by us. Shortlisted Candidates of Written Test will call for Medical Examination.
After completion of the written test, Merit lists in each category namely, Gen, SC, ST, OBC (NCL) and Ex-servicemen will be drawn on the basis of total marks obtained by the candidates in the written examination. The candidates shall be shortlisted for Detailed Medical Examination (DME) as per the category wise vacancies on the basis of this merit. Extended list shall also be prepared to cover the shortfall due to failure of candidates in DME and Review Medical Examination (RME). However, there shall be no reserve list.
ITBP Constable Driver After Written Result Process : Candidates who qualify in Written Exam will be called for Medical Examination. The Candidates will be medically examined to assess their Physical & Medical fitness. Candidates will be called for Medical Test in order of Merit. Candidates will be called for Medical Exam as per Vacancy Position at that Time.
- Category wise result of written test cum merit list etc., will be drawn. After completion of the written test, Merit lists in each category namely, Gen, SC, ST, OBC (NCL) and Ex-servicemen will be drawn on the basis of total marks obtained by the candidates in the written examination
- The candidates who qualify in written test will be shortlisted for Detailed Medical Examination (DME) as per the category wise vacancies on the basis of this merit. Extended list shall also be prepared to cover the shortfall due to failure of candidates in DME and Review Medical Examination (RME). However, there shall be no reserve list.
- After drawal of merit list final result will be declared through website and list of selected candidates Category wise will be uploaded on ITBP website.
- In case of tie in marks, the candidate older in age will get preference.
Document Verification : Testimonials of the candidates will be checked before Detailed Medical Examination (DME), the candidates will be required to produce the original documents related to Educational and Professional qualifications, date of birth etc. It is important that the candidates applying for this recruitment check their eligibility, to avoid disappointment at later stage. Original documents will be returned on the spot after verification and self attested copies of certificates will be retained with the application. Original copy of following documents will be required for verification:-
(i) Educational Certificate(s);
(ii) Date of birth Certificate as in Matriculation or 10th Class Certificate;
(iii) Professional/Experience Certificate, if any;
(iv) Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Certificate and OBC certificate, (if belonging to any of these categories). Candidates claiming OBC (NCL) status may note that certificate on creamy layer status should have been obtained within three years before the closing date i.e. 27/11/2018;
(v) Domicile Certificate issued by local revenue authorities or PAN Card or Aadhar Card or Driving License or Voter ID Card or Passport for verification of citizenship.
(vi) Discharge certificate in case of Ex-Servicemen;
(vii) One passport size photograph same as submitted with online application form;
(viii) Certificate as per Annexure ‘V’ for claiming relaxation in height & chest (if applicable).
Note:- All candidates claiming relaxation under various categories shall bring aforementioned original documents/certificates at the time of recruitment tests for verification by the Board.
Detailed Medical Examination (DME) : Candidates shortlisted in order of merit as per category wise number of vacancies will be put through DME to assess their fitness as per medical policy issued by MHA.
Review Medical Examination (RME) : In case candidates declared unfit in detailed medical examination are not satisfied with the findings of the Medical Officer, they may submit an application for his/her re-medical examination with a duly filled Medical Fitness certificate (Proforma at Annexure-VII) within 15 days from the date of his/her rejection in DME.
RME Application Process & Fee : The appeal will also not be taken into consideration unless it contains Medical Re Examination Fee of Rs. 25/- in form of Indian Postal Order and Rejection Slip (original) issued by the Presiding Officer. RME fee in the form of IPO should be prepared in the name of INSPECTOR GENERAL (NW) FRONTIER, ITB POLICE FORCE. The appeal complete in all respects should be submitted within 15 days from the date of issue of Rejection Slip in which the finding of the Medical Officer are communicated
to the candidate. ITBP will not be responsible for any postal delay.
The application for re-medical examination shall be sent to THE INSPECTOR GENERAL (NW) Frontier, ITB Police Force, PO – Seemanagar, Near Airport, Chandigarh (UT) Pin – 160003.
Candidates are advised to have a regular watch on official itbp website. Latest Updates regarding itbp Constable Driver Exam result 2023 will be available from this page. You can Bookmark this Page (CTRL+D) to get instant updates of Exam. If Your are facing any problem or want to ask any question then please write it in the comment box. we will help you soon. Feel Free to Write an Email to regarding your queries.
For More Details of ITBP Constable Driver Exam Click Here